Lacey Act and Endangered Species Violations

Get the representation you need.

Animal lovers and private zoo owners must closely follow the perpetually changing regulatory and criminal landscape that the Lacey Act, the ESA, and their state law counterparts comprise. The USDA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife are constantly adding species to the Endangered Species List, and they often refuse to grant permits to private owners who wish to engage in interstate commerce for the well-being of these animals. What was legal only a few years ago is now not.  Andy stands ready to defend any zoo owner or animal lover charged with or under investigation for these violations.

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Requests for Interviews

Grand Jury Subpoenas

Public Corruption

Money Laundering

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Noteworthy Results

Sample Case 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat euismod mi. Fusce commodo interdum magna quis semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed nisl at nulla faucibus dignissim ac in quam. Sed vitae nunc varius, semper justo nec, condimentum neque.

Sample Case

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat euismod mi. Fusce commodo interdum magna quis semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sed nisl at nulla faucibus dignissim ac in quam. Sed vitae nunc varius, semper justo nec, condimentum neque.